Wednesday 10 August 2011


(first written in Oct 2010)

 Fellow movie nerds, the story you are about to read will upset you. It will unnerve you and it will disgust you.

I woke up this morning to every film geek's worst nightmare. I could hear George Clooney's voice from the other end of the house. And then I heard Chris O'Donnell's voice followed by Alicia Silverstone's. I thought to my self "no. no, it can't be". I made my way down to the other room to find my step son sitting on the couch watching Batman & Robin. Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!

I tried to keep my composure. "Why didn't you watch the first 3 Batman movies before this one?" I asked. His response greatly disturbed me. "Because mummy said this one was the best" he replied.

Oh my God! ... Oh.... my..... God! Not only is it the worst film of the franchise but it's also one of the worst films of all time! At this moment a sudden realisation struck me. It was apparent that I had a lot of undoing ahead of me and a whole re-education of the Batman legacy and the importance of watching things in chronological order.

My movie world was rocked this morning. Things may never be the same again!!!

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