Monday 8 August 2011

"They will eat your face off"

Ok so I haven't watched this movie nor is it high on my 'to see' list... but I found the tagline too amusing to ignore. "They will eat your face off" ROFL. I guess this is what Peter Jackson failed to show us in Lord Of The Rings. This movie is about two park rangers who have to fend off hordes of Orcs which have been unearthed from a nearby mountain. I guess the more I think about it the more I want to see it... knowing too well how cheesey it will be. You've been warned... Orcs! They will eat your face off!

So that leads me to some of the best-worst movie taglines of all time. 

My favourite has to be the classically bad 80s shocker Blood Beach. The tagline is brilliant... "Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, you can't even get to it!" BRILLIANT!

So now I want to hear what some of your favourite bad taglines are..... 

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